VAUDEVILLIA by Mic Conway’s National Junk Band (Camelot Lounge) + Super Rats (Django) Mic Conway @ Camelot Lounge ROLL UP! ROLL UP! as Mic...

VAUDEVILLIA by Mic Conway’s National Junk Band (Camelot Lounge) + Super Rats (Django)


Marrickville Rd & Railway Parade
2204 NSW

Camelot Lounge
Mic Conway

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.

Event Details

VAUDEVILLIA by Mic Conway’s National Junk Band (Camelot Lounge) + Super Rats (Django)

Mic Conway @ Camelot Lounge

ROLL UP! ROLL UP! as Mic Conway’s National Junk Band presents their own version of comedy-cabaret mayhem, inspired by the vaudevillians of yester year for VIVID Sydney. Music, magic, comedy, sight gags, fire-eating and some very funny songs. See Mic Conway, Phil Donnison, Marcus Holden, Cazzbo Johns, and Junkyard Jeremy Cook.

Where “everything new will be old again” this show promises to be the most bizarre experience you will have all year.

Super Rats @ Django

Classic Romanian music, from Canberra. At last something sweet from the Capital!

Super Rats play lautari music, from the gypsy neighbourhoods of dusty old Bucharest. This rich tradition combines many influences: raw Balkan village folk, intricate Gypsy and Turkish music, old central-European restaurant and cafe repertoire, and even jazz. At the centre of the band’s sound is the cimbalom, a giant dulcimer with 145 strings, ably supported by accordion, violin, and double bass.


After over a decade of study in Romania with master traditional musicians, cimbalom player Tim Meyen formed Super Rats to present virtuosic, no-holds-barred music from the golden age of Romanian urban folk. Cine știe cunoaște!

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Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.