Artists:Kate & Marty: Martin Bevz (Australia) / Kathryn Bevz (Australia) Don't step on the crack, inspired by childhood memories of stepping...

Don't Step on the Crack


Alfred St
2000 NSW

Don't Step on the Crack

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
  • Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.

Event Details

Kate & Marty:
Martin Bevz (Australia) / Kathryn Bevz (Australia) 

Don't step on the crack, inspired by childhood memories of stepping and jumping over cracks, painted lines and other everyday surface 'obstacles', challenges our perception of what lies beneath our feet.

The installation features a fracture in the pavement through which light radiates, revealing a vivid iridescence from below and prompting the participant to consider what lies beneath the surface.

As the title of the work suggests, the participant is challenged to walk along the path, to avoid more illuminated cracks and cross through luminous boundaries.

The artists, Kathryn and Martin Bevz have worked together since early 2011 developing design concepts and translating them into fully functional interactive light installations. They continually explore and evolve their creativity through new and emergent lighting technologies, often seeking inspiration from the world around them to form new concepts.

Country represented by installation: Australia 

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Audio Description

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
  • Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.
