The Bridge program is a collection of fixed media sound works from prominent international acousmatic composers. Amidst emergent and ancient vistas, experiences...

New Wave Sound: Bridge - Electroacoustic Review


Seymour Centre
2008 NSW

New Wave Sound: Bridge - Electroacoustic Review

Event Details

The Bridge program is a collection of fixed media sound works from prominent international acousmatic composers. Amidst emergent and ancient vistas, experiences, and technologies; our program is for the discerning listener - linking multifarious sound worlds back to the intricate and atavistic technology of the ear. These works transcend the component technologies for a listening experience rarely experienced in a concert hall.

*20% OFF Multi-Tix are available when you purchase tickets to more than one Vivid Music At Seymour event in a single transaction. Available by phone or in person at the Box Office.

Bridge - Electroacoustic Review is part of Vivid Music @ Seymour

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