What does colour sound like? How does it taste? Can colour by itself be art?When new technologies created new kinds of colour in the modern age, the look...

The politics and persuasions of colour in art


Centenary Auditorium
2000 NSW

The politics and persuasions of colour in art

Event Details

What does colour sound like? How does it taste? Can colour by itself be art?

When new technologies created new kinds of colour in the modern age, the look of our world forever changed. Taking our cue from the Colourwheel exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW, this panel discussion of Gallery experts delves into the complexities of colour in art and its implications on learning, artmaking and museum practice.

Presented by the Art Gallery of NSW.

Photo Credit: Robert Klippel No. 1043 from Nos. 1037-1126 Eighty-seven small polychromed tin sculptures 1995 © Robert Klippel Estate

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