For fourteen years Venue 505 has continued to program innovative and original live music, providing a home for Sydney's leading musicians under the program...

Venue 505 X|Celerate Program: Global Roots


280 Cleveland St
2010 NSW

Venue 505
Venue 505

Event Details

For fourteen years Venue 505 has continued to program innovative and original live music, providing a home for Sydney's leading musicians under the program direction of renowned bassist Cameron Undy. Over 10 evenings 505 would program a cross-section of contemporary roots and traditional music from concert to dance floor.

Venue Line Up

Date Event
24 May The Strides
25 May Funk Da Bass
31 May Barney McAll ‘Ashes Reveal Ghosts’
1 June Moussa Diakite
7-8 June Bandaluzia Flamenco
14 June The catholics
15 June Cumbiamuffin

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