The future of inventive and captivating classical music is right here on the north shore, with emerging composer Kate Moore showcasing her world premiere...

Pastoral: Willoughby Symphony Orchestra and Kate Moore


409 Victoria Av
2067 NSW

The Concourse
Pastoral - Willoughby Symphony Orchestra and Kate Moore

Event Details

The future of inventive and captivating classical music is right here on the north shore, with emerging composer Kate Moore showcasing her world premiere piano concerto, especially for Vivid Music. And in the same concert, the Young Composer of the Year will be announced and their work premiered as well! It’s a double treat for audiences wanting to be the first to taste new classical music.

Willoughby Symphony Orchestra commissioned Ms Moore’s striking concerto that’s inspired by the revered Beatrice from Dante's The Divine Comedy, who represents the beatific vision of divine perfection in harmony with the universal communion of creatures and creations. Exceptional pianist Vivian Choi, returning to Australia from an impressive international career, will bring this new work to life. The 2019 Willoughby Symphony/Fine Music 102.5 FM Young Composer Award's winning work will also be premiered during this concert: two world premieres in an event not to be missed!

Pastoral will also include Ravel's charming orchestration of his own Le Tombeau de Couperin, a work dedicated to friends and acquaintances the composer lost in in the first world war, this gorgeous suite is sure to have an emotional impact.

Rounding out the concert will be Beethoven's timeless Pastoral Symphony, a wondrous portrait of the European countryside. We are delighted to welcome Fabian Russell as conductor for this program.

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