Vivid LIVE at Sydney Opera House Making her Sydney Opera House debut, Oregon-based experimental artist Grouper is set to transport Vivid LIVE audiences...



Bennelong Point
2000 NSW

Sydney Opera House

Event Details

Vivid LIVE at Sydney Opera House

Making her Sydney Opera House debut, Oregon-based experimental artist Grouper is set to transport Vivid LIVE audiences into her altered state of sound, playing two

distinct, never-to-be-repeated shows across two nights in the sublime Utzon Room. 

Across thirteen shapeshifting records, the Californian-born Liz Harris has transformed the way we interact with sonic spaces, moving between DIY ambient, minimalist experiments and occasional slippery pop forms to create an uncanny, spectral sound that exists somewhere within the dream of a dream. 

Grouper’s sets are always unique in that the music has never been performed live in the same way twice, taking shape in real time as she casts a spell over the audience. These rare shows will be nostalgic, both noisy and delicate, embracing piano, guitar, tape collage and field recordings, and cover material from her hauntingly sparse masterwork Ruins, along with last year’s Grid of Points, the formative Dragging a Dead Deer, excerpts from her new project Nivhek and unreleased tracks. These are rare shows not to miss.

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