The Hidden Pulse in collaboration with M+ Miraculous Trajectories is a brand-new film concert made by acclaimed artist Cheng Ran in collaboration with...

Cheng Ran with Shao Yanpeng aka Dead J Miraculous Trajectories


Bennelong Point
2000 NSW

Sydney Opera House
Cheng Ran
Chen ran

Event Details

The Hidden Pulse in collaboration with M+

Miraculous Trajectories is a brand-new film concert made by acclaimed artist Cheng Ran in collaboration with experimental electronic musician Shao Yanpeng. The live performance, which will be presented in the Playhouse Theatre, is based on Cheng Ran’s nine-hour epic film, In Course of the Miraculous (2015), which speculated on three mysterious real-life disappearances. This special presentation will be introduced by Ulanda Blair, Curator, Moving Image at M+, Hong Kong. 

Mongolian-born filmmaker Cheng Ran is one of the most promising Chinese artists of his generation, producing evocative moving images that draw widely from both Western and Chinese literature, poetry, cinema, and visual culture.

Shao Yanpeng is one of China’s most exciting electronic musicians and sound artists. Inspired by Brian Eno, AIR, and Autechre, as well as the Chinese multi-genre artist Dou Wei, Shao was the first Chinese artist to be signed to the legendary Berlin techno label Tresor. 

In collaboration with M+, West Kowloon Cultural District

Image: Cheng Ran, Miraculous Trajectories (2019), film still. Courtesy the artist

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