Starting a business in the creative industries is so hot right now, but a successful business in any field needs to rely on some deeply unsexy foundations.This...
Ten Unsexy Things You Need to Know to Run Your Creative Business
Barnet Long Room
2000 NSW
Access and Inclusion
Event Details
Starting a business in the creative industries is so hot right now, but a successful business in any field needs to rely on some deeply unsexy foundations.
This free seminar presents the ten least fun (but most vital) areas of business that all creative practitioners need to embrace when running a business, and introduces some of the key organisations to know when it comes to sorting out the unsexy basics. We'll be discussing:
1. The legalities of leasing, from equipment to co-working
2. What to look for in a loan
3. The importance of learning procurement and the tendering process
4. How to protect your intellectual property
5. What to look for when hiring staff
6. The rules about interns and work experience
7. Tips and tricks for handling finance
8. The importance of understanding governance
9. The basics of cyber security and how they apply to creative business
10. The big deal about business planning
This session would best suit anyone already running a business in the creative industries who wants to grow or consolidate, but is unsure of the next step to take. What better way to learn about the unsexiness of business than in a fast-paced and friendly environment with other creatives? Resources will be shared and experts will be available to answer questions, with the opportunity for networking afterwards.
Ten Unsexy Things is hosted by creative industries expert Monica Davidson, who has helped hundreds of creative people to start and grow their own businesses. She will introduce the topics, and facilitate a panel of experts from government agencies and organisations responsible for helping businesses sort out their unsexy needs.
This event is presented by Business Connect, a NSW Government initiative that supports small to medium businesses start or grow their business successfully.