In the spirit of the late, great broadcaster and journalist, the Mark Colvin Conversation throws open a lively debate. The topic: Are schools and society...
The Inaugural Mark Colvin Conversation: Are Schools and Society Encouraging or Stifling Creativity?
2 Angel Pl
2000 NSW
Event Details
In the spirit of the late, great broadcaster and journalist, the Mark Colvin Conversation throws open a lively debate. The topic: Are schools and society fostering or stifling imagination?
Mark was renowned for his unbridled curiosity and penetrating insight. He was a towering intellect with a great love for music. Mark’s award-winning career with the ABC spanned more than four decades including stints with Double J and Triple J. For the last 20 years of his life, he was the ‘voice of Australia’ as presenter of ABC Radio's current affairs program PM. It is fitting that the inaugural Mark Colvin Conversation brings together both critical thinkers and inspiring musos.
RocKwiz and Home Delivery host Julia Zemiro will deliberate on proceedings and keep things ticking so you’ll have time for questions. Songstress Megan Washington kicks off by sharing her story of overcoming anxiety and finding her voice through music. She might even treat us to a number or two.
Julia and Megan will be joined by a panel of educators, writers and commentators including Lucy Clark, Robyn Ewing and Benjamin Law.
Lucy Clark is a journalist and senior editor at The Guardian Australia. She is the author of Beautiful Failures - How the Quest for Success is Harming our Kids a book that challenges accepted wisdoms about schooling. Through personal experiences and journalistic investigation, Lucy calls on parents to re-evaluate childhood by examining their own expectations and questioning the purpose of education.
Benjamin Law is a screenwriter, journalist and newspaper columnist. He is the author of Gaysia: Adventures in the Queer East and The Family Law, which spawned the hit SBS TV series of the same name. Benjamin is a frequent contributor to The Age/Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend, The Monthly, Frankie and a host of other publications here and overseas. His 2017 Quarterly Essay Moral Panic 101: Equality, Indifference and the Safe Schools Scandal looks at the new face of homophobia in Australia, and the long battle for equality and acceptance.
Robyn Ewing AM is Professor of Teacher Education and the Arts. She teaches in the areas of curriculum, English and drama, language and early literacy development and works with both undergraduate and postgraduate pre-service and inservice teachers.
Multi-talented performer and writer, Julia Zemiro, is well recognised as the host of the TV shows RocKwiz and Home Delivery. She is an outstanding actress and comedian, with a passion for music that saw her take EuroVision from cringe-fest to must-see TV.
Get ready for a dose of thought provoking and entertaining conversation, dished up just the way Mark would have liked it.