Join this special free screening of Kader Attia’s artist film Reflecting Memory (2016) followed by a Q&A with MCA Chief Curator...

Film screening: Reflecting Memory by Kader Attia


Veolia Lecture Theatre
2000 NSW

Museum of Contemporary Art
Kader Attia, Reflecting Memory (still), 2016, single-channel digital video, projection, colour, sound, image courtesy the artist, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin/Cologne, Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, and Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Les Moulins, Beijing, Habana © the artist

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
  • Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.
  • Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.

Event Details

Join this special free screening of Kader Attia’s artist film Reflecting Memory (2016) followed by a Q&A with MCA Chief Curator Rachel Kent as she discusses Attia’s practice and her experience of working on this exhibition.

This film explores the recurrent themes in Attia’s practice of injury and therapy while also investigating the phenomenon of the ‘phantom limb’. Opening up ideas around trauma and its unseen repercussions, for both the individual and wider society, this work is a powerful artistic statement.

As part of Conversation Starters weekend, take part in this screening and discussion as we explore what repair and reparation mean for society today.


About Kader Attia
Kader Attia grew up in both Algeria and the suburbs of Paris, and uses this experience of living within two cultures to develop a dynamic practice that confronts identity and cultural difference. Attia’s works offer a poetic yet highly explicit reading of the relationships between Western and non-Western cultures.

His debut solo exhibition was held in 1996 in the Republic of Congo. Since then, his artistic career has gained major international recognition with inclusion in exhibitions such as dOCUMENTA13 (2012), the 8th Lyon Biennial (2015), the 5th Marrakech Biennial (2016), Dak’Art (2016) as well as being part of this year’s 57th Venice Biennale (2017).

In 2016, he was awarded the Marcel Duchamp Prize, one of France’s most prestigious arts awards. Central to his accompanying exhibition at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris was the extraordinary 48-minute film Reflecting Memory (2016).

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Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
  • Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.
  • Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.